Dragon Age Inquisition

You are The Herald of Andraste

The game starts in 9:41 Dragon, one year after the events of Dragon Age II and ends in 9:42. Orlais is undergoing a civil war, threatening the stability of southern Thedas. The Circle of Magi have rebelled against the oppressive templars in a bid for independence, leading to all-out war. In a last ditch effort for peace, Divine Justinia V has orchestrated the Divine Conclave − a peace summit between the ambassadors of the templars and the rebel mages for the purpose of negotiating a peaceful compromise.
As the battle gets bloodier, these vicious and deadly warriors get even more brutal. Hurting them just makes them mad, a mistake most enemies don't live to repeat. These unrelenting warriors specialize in fighting mages and demons. No enemy's magic can withstand them, and they inspire and protect their allies with their righteous power. These powerful defenders protect their allies from harm, standing strong against devastating blows with expert training and fierce determination. Enemies can't kill them; and they usually can't survive them.

The Age of the Dragons

High dragons are seldom seen. They spend most of their time sleeping and mating, living off the prey their drakes bring back. But once every hundred years or so, the high dragon prepares for clutching by emerging from her lair and taking wing. She will fly far and wide, eating hundreds of animals, most often livestock, over the course of a few weeks and leaving smoldering devastation in her wake. She then returns to her lair to lay her eggs and will not appear in the skies again for another century
A massive explosion kills the attendees of the Conclave and creates a massive tear in the Veil called the Breach, allowing Demons to invade Thedas unchecked. The player protagonist is the sole survivor of the explosion and wielder of the "Anchor" − a magical mark that bestows control over the Breach and Fade rifts. The player's miraculous accolades and ability to seal the Fade rifts leaves many to believe they are a messiah, specifically the Herald of Andraste.

The player is inducted into the reborn Inquisition − an independent organization sanctioned by the late Divine Justinia to restore order should Thedas erupt into chaos − and eventually becomes its Inquisitor. Throughout the game the Inquisitor will be forced to make choices that directly impact the plot of the game. The actions of the player shake the very foundation of Thedas as it leads to the ultimate build up against an evil ready to usurp the throne of the Maker Himself.

Seal the rift

Mateo Yusif Rodríguez Padilla

Diseño de Páginas Web

Examen 2do Parcial

Prof. Azucena Cervantes

11/05/2022 - 6°A